About Us
The Northern Neck of Virginia was described by Captain John Smith in 1608, “as a place heaven and earth never agreed better to frame man’s habitation.” People who share that belief are the story behind our organization.
Our Value Statement declares that the Northern Neck Land Conservancy, as a non-profit land trust organization and as individuals, values integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence, constructive criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We have a passion for land conservation as evidenced by our awards and accomplishments. We are committed to efforts that enhance the quality of life on the Northern Neck of Virginia by promoting effective stewardship of community resources. We hold ourselves accountable to the Northern Neck Community by honoring our commitments and providing results.
The Board, staff and contractors all support our value statement, mission and goals, and strive for continuous improvement of quality of services to benefit all five counties of the Northern Neck as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Drop by and see us at 483 Main Street, Suite B, Warsaw, VA 22572.

An Accredited Land Trust
Website by Fresh Look Web Design