Preserve the Land You Love

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Conserving Land

Let’s keep the Northern Neck a wonderful place to live, work and visit.

Latané Family Comes Together to Protect the Land They Love

“Generations of the Latané family grew up on waterfront farms in Westmoreland County. These farms were established in the 17th century by their Washington family ancestors near the present-day George Washington Birthplace National Monument.

Page Henley Could See His Family’s Farm Exactly the Way They Saw It 200 Years Earlier

“Lancaster County’s Page Henley, like so many others throughout the Northern Neck, has given time, effort and knowledge to find a way to preserve what he believes is unique about the region’s history and nature…”

Northern Neck Land Conservancy records 50th conservation easement

Thank you to Rappahannock Record for publishing this article by Rob Hedelt! We couldn’t be more excited for our 50th easement!

Rechristened to Honor Helen and Tayloe Murphy, and Given to Cessie and Bill Howell

For 2024, Northern Neck Land Conservancy President Jim Russell was proud to present the Helen and Tayloe Murphy Conservation Champion Award to William (Bill) and Cessie Howell for their work in conservation throughout Virginia.

Fourth Fridays at Bayview! Come visit us!

Bayview is Northern Neck Land Conservancy’s “ambassador property” in Northumberland County. It is a 220- acre Indigenous landscape bordered on two sides by water. Monthly Fourth Friday afternoon gatherings will give Land Conservancy members a chance to explore this beautiful location and learn about the importance of community conservation.

Laurie Schlemm is presented Conservation Champion Award

For the last five years and more, Laurie has led a campaign to protect significant open space land for the people of King George County, the Northern Neck, and the Commonwealth.

Conserving Kirnan

“It feels, here in my heart, that we are blessed to be the custodians of the architectural history, the American history from 1761 and before, and to hold the history of the Garner family and previous generations,” says Leigh Ann Miller. “It means being a steward to the land and the history here.” 

Click here to read the full story by Rob Hedelt and Lisa Biever

Thank you!

Boots and Barbecue 2024



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PO BOX 697

Warsaw, VA 22572


An Accredited Land Trust